
You have treasures in your closet to sell?

What do we buy? Please read our article about what we buy here -> LINK

We offer three purchase options:

1. purchase with immediate payment

We buy new and used designer goods with immediate cash payment, bank transfer or PayPal payment.

What is the approximate price I can expect?

We offer approximately 40-55% of the actual value with immediate purchase. Tip: The best way to find out the actual value is on Ebay.
Click on ebay.com or ebay.de. In the search box, enter the exact name of the item, for example "Louis Vuitton Neverfull PM Monogram".
Click on the search. On the left side you will see the filter functions to filter the results. Now scroll down to "Sold items" and check the box there.
Now you can see for what price these models were sold. Take a closer look at the conditions.

Why only 40-55% of the actual value?

It's a very fair offer and most sellers pay less. You have to take into calculation that we have a lot of expenses with them, like for example

Authentication costs
packing and shipping costs
possible cleaning costs
12% Ebay commission
19% difference tax (VAT)
Income tax
Shipping insurance
Return shipping costs for returns
Commission to payment provider
Possibly costs of export declaration
Why should I not sell myself?

Selling for actual value sometimes takes several months or years.

Can you theoretically always buy everything immediately?

No, we cannot buy something if:

We have just bought so much that our funds are currently tight.
Our shop and warehouse is overcrowded.
We have several examples of your model at the moment.

2. sale on commission

When we sell something on commission, we write a commission contract for 3 months.
Your item will be handled with care and stored with insurance.
If we sell your item in 3 months, you will receive a message from us, and your money will be sent to you via
PayPal, bank transfer, or cash.

If it is not sold, you will get it back, of course, or we will extend the commission contract by agreement.

What is the approximate price I can expect?

For the items placed by the commissioner, the commissioner receives after the sale (per item) after a sales revenue
between 10 € - 100 € 50 % of the sales proceeds.
between 101 € - 500 € 55 % of the proceeds of the sale.
between 501 € - 2500 € 65 % of the realised sales value.
and from 2500 € 70 % of the realised sales value.

Why should I not sell myself if I do not necessarily need the money immediately?

In our experience, a private person can sell luxury items on Ebay for about 50-60% of the actual value. From this you also pay the commission.
Buyers know that a lot of replicas are offered on internet sites. From private persons partly without buyer protection and
return option.
They therefore have much more confidence in a commercial dealer where they receive an invoice, a certificate of authenticity and
guaranteed buyer protection and the possibility to return the goods.
On the whole, you get about the same amount of money, but without the hassle of registration and the sales process.
We take care of professional photos, authenticity check, packing, shipping, customs and returns.

3. Auction

We can auction anything that meets our product guidelines on Ebay.
We always start all auctions without a minimum price. All items submitted to us for auction are guaranteed to be sold within
7 or 10 days. Payment is made by PayPal, bank transfer or cash, after the sale.

What is the approximate price I can expect?

For the items he/she has placed, the commissioner will receive after the sale (per item)
between 10 € - 100 € 55 % of the sales value.
between 101 € - 500 € 60 % of the proceeds of the sale.
between 501 € - 2500 € 65 % of the realised sales value.
and from 2500 € 75 % of the realised sales value.

Why should I not sell myself then? Setting up 1 € auctions is easy.

In our experience, a private person can sell luxury items at Ebay auctions for about 30-50% of the actual current value.
of the actual current value. From that you pay the commission as well.
We sell them for about 60-70%. But of course it is not guaranteed.
Buyers know that there are a lot of replicas on the internet. Especially in auctions by private persons
sometimes without buyer protection and the possibility of returning the item.
Private individuals also do not have enough followers on Ebay to have enough competition in the auctions.
Buyers therefore have much more confidence in commercial dealers where you get an invoice, a certificate of authenticity and
guaranteed buyer protection and return policy.
On the whole, you get about the same amount of money, but without the hassle of registration and the selling process.
We take care of professional photos, authenticity check, packing, shipping, customs and returns.

When should I use the auction function ?

If you want to get rid of something or a large amount of things, e.g. an inheritance or a collection, but the buy-it-now option does not exist, the auction is still a good option.

How can I offer an item for sale to you?

We recommend that you use our sales form after registering.
Alternatively, you can offer the item with pictures and description via Whatsapp.
You can bring your treasures to us personally during our opening hours. To avoid disappointment
(e.g. if we can't buy the item or not for the price you have suggested) we recommend that you don't make any long detours.
it is best to enquire online.


Please do not offer replicas or fakes to us. We do not buy replicas under any circumstances.
We are strictly against replicas and in case of clear intentional fraud attempts against us we file a report with the police.
If replicas are given to us for sale, we will issue an invoice for the authenticity check upon return.